
Featured Consulting Experience

Health In Harmony & TIL+

On this project, I consulted with Health in Harmony, an international non-profit dedicated to reversing global heating and recognizing the critical role rainforests play in humanity's survival. Using the innovative process of Radical Listening, Health in Harmony collaborates with experts to create impactful change on the planet.

This project was carried out as a part of TIL+, an initiative from The Information Lab to help NGOs and nonprofits make sense of their data. 

I assisted in three main areas:

Data Analytics & Visualization

Data Analysis Skills

View my projects:


Tableau Projects:

Click here to see all my Tableau Visualizations: Tableau Public

Tableau  Viz: 

Superstore - Sales Volume Variance

Tableau  Viz: 

2024 New York Income Tax Calculator

Tableau  Viz: 

The Julian Assange Saga: A Timeline of Legal Battles

Tableau  Viz: 

West Coast Telecom - Churn Report & Analysis

Tableau  Viz: 

Northwind Traders - Annual Performance Review

Tableau  Viz: 

Executive Expense Report

Tableau  Viz: 

MLB Player Salaries: 2003 to 2023 #B2VB

Tableau Viz: 

Are My Devices Watching Me?

Tableau Viz: 

Black Friday - Average Discounts By US Retailers (2015 - 2023)

Tableau  Viz: 

New York School Cafeteria Inspections (2020 to 2023)

Tableau  Viz: 

And the Best Picture goes to... (Data + Movies Challenge)

Tableau Viz: 

Daily Sales Tracker

Tableau Viz: 

US Mortgage Rates: 2013 to 2023

#B2VB 2023/Week 1 - Build an Area Chart

Tableau  Viz: 

Alcohol Consumption in OECD Countries (1 hour viz)

Tableau Viz: 

US Stock History 2013 to 2018

Tableau Viz: US State Government Tax Revenue (2007 - 2021)

Tableau Viz: 

Best region for Series-A funding in the USA?

Tableau Prep Builder:

#Preppin’ DATA 2024 Week 1

Prep Air’s Flow Card

Click HERE to see the challenge

#Preppin’ DATA 2024 Week 2

Average Price Analysis

Click HERE to see the challenge

SQL Projects:

Click here to see all my SQL projects: Github

Case Study #.1 - Danny's Diner

View here: Danny's Diner Solution

Click HERE to see the challenge

Case Study #.1 - Danny's Diner

View here: Pizza Runner Solution

Click HERE to see the challenge

#Preppin’ DATA Challenges in SQL

View here: Preppin' Data Solutions in SQL

🏎️ Formula 1 SQL Challenge

Formula 1 challenge with SQL in Snowflake ❄️

View here: F1 Challenge

Business Problem

LetsMeet is an online network for professionals and enthusiasts to meet up in real life with groups that share common interests.


LetsMeet has hired me on a temporary contract as a Data Analyst to support the growth LetsMeet has been experiencing in the past six months by providing insights into who LetsMeet members are and how they use the platform.

Tools used

Tasks & Processes

Data Impressions

- Examining the Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

Ad Hoc Reporting

- DDL & DML SQL queries

Database Normalization

- Carrying out normalization

- Reverse engineering of the Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

Impact & Results

Other Projects:

Listings123 - Exploratory Data Analysis & Presentation

Business Problem

Listings123 is an up-and-coming home-sharing service (similar to Airbnb). The company provides an online marketplace that connects people looking to rent their homes or rooms (hosts) with people who are looking for temporary accommodations (guests). ​


The CEO wants to expand to new cities but has a problem with raising money for the marketing campaign. The investors and VCs will not fund the campaign until they are presented with data-based evidence on what traits (qualities and actions) make a successful host specifically for Listings123.

Tools used

Exploratory Data Analysis Process

The business problem was framed, Data Exploration was carried out, Data Wraggling was completed, Data Visualizations were created and Descriptive Statistics were examined. Based on the above, inferences and ultimately business insights were developed to solve the problem.

The process included summarizing data using Pivot Tables. Cleaning of inconsistent, invalid, duplicate, and missing data including the use of ISNUMBER/SEARCH, COUNT/COUNTIF/COUNTA/COUNTUNIQUE, and split text to columns functions. Using INDEX/MATCH formulas to merge tables. As well as using VLOOKUP to identify specific items in the tables.

Insights & Results

The top three traits identified that make a host successful for Listings123 are:

These data-based recommendations were provided to secure funding for the company’s nationwide marketing campaign.

Web Development

Web Development Skills

Vacation Bookings - Landing Page

Linktree Clone

Events- Landing Page